Mr Kimaro
Assistant Administrative Secretary - Water
The purpose of this section is to coordinate and build the technical capacity of the RS necessary for provision to LGAs of backstopping expertise in interpretation and implementation of water policies, guidelines and procedures when implementing water projects for development of water sector activities in the region.
1. To coordinate and harmonize approaches for water sector implementation and standards of engineering works undertaken in the region.
2. Representative of the Ministry of Water in interpreting the National Water Sector Policies and guidelines for Urban and Rural Water Supply.
3. To facilitate the review and approval of water supply and sanitation projects designed for implementation at the LGAs level.
4. To facilitate provision of advice, review and support to LGAs in the preparation of water sector plans and budget and consolidate into the regional plan.
5. To participate in development of the LGAs capacity development plans based on the assessment for effective implementation of the rural water supply projects.
6. To facilitate provision of technical support and quality assurance to the LGAs, especially in the design and implementation of water supply projects and monitoring of consultants, contractors and service providers performance, and in strengthening the RWSTs and DWSTs.
7. To facilitate provision of guidance, advice and monitor all kinds of agreements and activities between LGAs, villages and service providers at the regional level.
8. To coordinate provision of support to LGAs in the promotion, establishment and registration of community owned water supply organization.
9. To facilitate provision of support to LGAs in development of guidelines for operation and maintenance of water supply schemes in the respective community projects and private operated schemes.
10. To assist in the coordination of external support agencies (ESA) inputs for LGAs water supply and sanitation projects.
11. To coordinate preparation of LGAs water sector quarterly reports and consolidation into a regional report.
12. To coordinate and advice LGAs on water sector staffing and establishment and se lessons learnt for improving training interventions of Water Sector personnel.
13. To participate in the monitoring of quality and evaluation of implementation of Water Sector Plans, programme outputs, and in preparation of related reports.
14. To provide backup expertise where possible, and as appropriate, to RWSS- related parties who may require such assistance.
15. To facilitate provision of linkage between LGAs, other relevant authorities and the MoW in the planning and development of water sector components.
16. To participate in the process of identifying capacity gaps and training needs for LGAs staff basing on O & OD findings, capacity needs assessment and training needs assessment.
17. To participate in identifying capacity building, training and development opportunities for staff found with capacity gaps and training needs.
18. Any other relevant duty assigned.
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