Ruvuma Regional Commissioner on Sunday 28th Januarry 2018 launch a week long commemoration of Law Day in Songea.The event brings together all court stakeholders including Police,Prison,Prevention and Combuting Corruption Bureau,Attorney General Chamber and Tanganyika Law Society members.
Citizen from different area are invited to receive education about court procedeeng and othe services which are provided free.
The launching was done by Hon.Christina Mndeme the Regional Commisssioner who advised citizen to turn in large number to get services freely during this week.
Regional Commissioner Office
Anuwani: 1 TUNDURU ROAD, 57180 S.L.P 74,SONGEA, RUVUMA.
Simu: 0252602256
Simu ya Mkononi: 0252602256
Barua Pepe:
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