JKCI Specilaists will from 23rd to 28 th July this year visit Ruvuma Region to offer treatment to all Cardiatic related diseases.The specialist frma Jakaya Kikwete Cardiatic Institute from Dar es Salaam are espected to arrive in Songea next week.
According to information released by Ruvuma Regional Medical Officer Dr Gozibert Mutahyabarwa has said the team will conduct investigation and treatment to all need patient .He further mentioned that the centre for all these treatment will be ata Songea Referral Hospital
However,the treatment will follow government procedure including payment.
For more information read the attached document.Dr.Mutahyabarwa..pdf
Regional Commissioner Office
Anuwani: 1 TUNDURU ROAD, 57180 S.L.P 74,SONGEA, RUVUMA.
Simu: 0252602256
Simu ya Mkononi: 0252602256
Barua Pepe: ras.ruvuma@tamisemi.go.tz
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